Duck Fat

Duck fat, ideal for cooking roast potatoes!

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Preparation & Usage

For Perfectly Crisp Roast Potatoes You'll need 1.5kg roasting potatoes peeled and chopped, 3 tbsp duck fat and sea salt and black pepper to season.

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C, Fan 180°C, Gas Mark 6.
  2. Place the duck fat into a deep roasting tray and heat in the oven or on the hob to melt.
  3. Carefully place the potatoes in the roasting tray and turn in the fat.
  4. Mix in garlic and rosemary if desired then season well and mix it all in.
  5. Place the tray in the oven and roast for 45-60 minutes, turning and basting occasionally.
  6. When golden and crispy remove from the oven and serve.


100% Duck Fat

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