The farms entity of the business is run under the Green Label poultry name with company owned and contract farms rearing the Gressingham duck across Great Britain, along with turkey and geese for Christmas. We are committed to the welfare of our poultry, the ducks are reared free-to-roam in light, airy barns with access to water for bathing, natural light and fresh air. They have a fresh bedding of straw once per day and continuous feed and fresh water throughout the day. The welfare of our ducks, geese and turkeys is an absolute priority. Our duck and turkey farming and production is accredited to the Red Tractor scheme which means standards developed by experts on safety, hygiene, animal welfare and the environment have been met and that our products are fully traceable.
Gressingham provides their contract farmers the support of welfare accreditations, a wide product range, market knowledge, established supplier and customer networks and long term partnerships in the UK and Europe.
We are looking for new farmers to work with, for more information have a look at our online prospectus –