
  • 1 Gressingham duck breast
  • 10 kebab skewers
  • 1 dessert spoon honey
  • 2 tsp 5-spice
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • Salt & pepper
  • 25g curry paste
  • 50g crunchy peanut butter
  • 1 tin coconut milk


  1. Remove the skin from the duck breast, then slice the breast in half as if butterflying it, then cut each half into 5 lengthways strips.
  2. Put the strips into a bowl, add 1 tsp 5-spice, the honey and seasoning and mix well to coat the duck strips.
  3. Put the duck strips onto the skewers and leave in the fridge to marinade whilst you make the satay sauce.
  4. Put the curry paste, 1 tsp 5-spice, sugar, peanut butter and coconut milk into a pan and bring to the heat to combine, season to taste.
  5. Cook the skewers in a frying pan, a couple of minutes on either side then serve with the warm sauce.